Hastings Runners Member Profile 

Keeping the ball rolling. Great idea by Will. Get involved folks, all good fun and nice to get to know our members better.
How long have you been a member?
April 2016
And running since?
April 2015
What’s your favourite event?
Has to be the Hastings Half right? Also loved the Rye Ancient Trails, the year we didn’t get lost!
Best performance?
Finishing 4th place in the Rye to Hastings 2021!!
Any tips
Keep your easy runs easy and include a tough effort session in your weekly routine.
Plans for the future?
Continue to gain more coaching experience and to do a few more marathons.
Favourite music?
Hmmmm…..my long run playlist is quite diverse, but if I were to pick one it would be “dance”.
Interesting information?
I have now completed 12 training plans, which have totally changed my enthusiasm for running.
Fun fact?
Orange is my favourite colour