Welcome to Hastings Runners

Hastings Runners was founded in the 1980s. The club is now one of the largest running clubs in East Sussex with approximately 380 members.

We welcome runners of all ages (of twelve years old and above) and all abilities, from beginner runners who may have just finished a Couch to 5k, and faster runners accustomed to competing in a wide variety of running events. You will find a group to run with, whatever your level. If you are relatively new to running, or returning to running after a long absence, we would recommend starting with a Wednesday evening session at Horntye Park Sports Centre where normally 4 groups operate covering all standards. We have a secure storage area between the male and female changing rooms on the ground floor, where bags etc can be left. Make yourself known to a member, and they will introduce you to a club coach who can choose which group is most suitable for you. Any queries beforehand, please email  our club chairman Nick Brown ([email protected])


Weekly Training Sessions

Monday track sessions at William Parker campus, 18.15 to 19.30 pm. These sessions cater for a wide range of ages and abilities, with runners normally split into a fast group (22 mins for 5kms or quicker) and a slower group (all abilities). Cost £2.00 per session (payable in blocks of 10) which covers track hire costs. First two sessions are free. Email [email protected]

Tuesday off road runs, various venues within a 15 mins drive of Hastings including Battle, Crowhurst, Icklesham, Pett, Sedlescombe and Whatlington, 18.30 pm. These very popular runs take place from mid-April until mid-September, and are run very much at a social pace allowing you to take in the many fabulous countryside views that we are fortunate enough to enjoy in this part of the world. You will encounter stiles, gates, brambles, mud and a wide variety of animals en route! The runners are usually split into 3 groups, and although you don’t need to be particularly fast you will need to be able to run – albeit with regular stops – for circa 90 minutes. Email [email protected]

Tuesday “bin run”, 18.30 pm at the bottom of Harold Road (///calculating.intent.face). This is a very gentle, laid back, chatty 5kms run along the seafront using the bins/lamp posts as interval points for a breather or a change of pace. This is ideal for beginner runners and much slower runners, who want to improve their running in a safe and supportive group setting. Email [email protected]

Tuesday club training runs from Horntye Park, 18.30 pm. A very popular club night with anything from 25 to 50 people taking part. There are normally 3 – 4 groups out running for close to 90 minutes, which helps maintain runners’ endurance during the year and is particularly important over the autumn/winter months as runners focus on half marathon/marathon races in the new year. If you are a beginner runner, then we recommend that you trial the Wednesday sessions first before you try running over an extended period.  The fast group would normally cover 15kms in 90 minutes; Improvers 2 – circa 13kms; Improvers 1 – circa 11 to 12kms; “Core” group which is sometimes combined with Improvers 1 – circa 9 to 10kms. Email  [email protected]

Wednesday club training runs from Horntye Park, 18.30 pm. This is also a very popular club session with similar numbers to Tuesday taking part, usually divided up into 4 groups, and lasts for 60 minutes. The fast group caters for runners who can comfortably manage 10kms in an hour; the Improvers 2 group covers circa 9kms in an hour; Improvers 1 group covers circa 8kms; the “Core” group covers circa 6.50 kms and is therefore suitable for the slower/entry level runners. Email [email protected]

Thursday efforts, 18.30 pm, meeting at different venues in Hastings including Grosvenor Gardens, The Azur and Bulverhythe playing fields (the latter venue mainly in the spring/summer). Generally a small group tackling a range of efforts including seafront reps, runs partly on the beach at low tide; grass reps; hill reps. All ages and abilities welcome. Contact Anthony via google groups for more information.



No Runner gets left behind